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Six Ways to Foster Friendships at School {Tip 7 of 31}

Friends are an important part of the school experience.



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Friends are an important part of the school experience. Friends offer kids a respite from adult guided or solitary activities. They provide time to hang out and have fun with others who are going through similar life experiences, and to connect on a level that only peers can fulfill. However, some children need support with making and keeping friends. Parents, here’s how you can help your child foster friendships at school:

Related: From Social Skills to Social Thinking [5]

Social Skills Support Should be tailored to the Specific Needs of Each Child.

Social Skills is a vast area of learning with rules that change based on contexts. There are many sub-categories which can be broken down further into smaller components. Children will have strengths in some areas and need assistance in others. Knowing the areas in which a child needs support will allow for targeted skill development. The skills they build now are the ones they will use over their lifetime.


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