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Art from the heart! Meet the Artist Angie

Art from the heart! Meet the Artist Angie


Hometown: Brandon, Mississippi


Heart Art [1]Angie is full of Love: Love of Hanna Montana, the Jonas Brothers, High School Musical and anything Disney. She loves to sing and dance. And she loves to paint, which is her main job at the Mustard Seed, a faith based community for adults with developmental disabilities.

Ceramic Art1 [2]Angie is orderly and that order shows in her painting. Her work is of lines, circles, hearts and squares distributed in an orderly fashion across the canvas of ceramics. Of all the people at the Mustard Seed, Angie‘s work contains the most colors. Her palette is bright and clear; there is a cheerfulness that flows through all of her paintings.

Ceramic Art2 [3]In her free time Angie plays softball, basketball and enjoys spending time with her family – her mother, father and sister’s family, especially her two nieces. She thinks trips to the beach are the BEST.

Ceramic Art3 [4]Angie has a great desire to be helpful. Her favorite chore at the Mustard Seed is being in charge of the laundry and while at home it is baking cookies. Angie is a member of the Mustard Seeds Bell Choir where she is a lead bell ringer. [5]

“In art the hand can never execute anything higher than the heart can inspire” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


MUSTARD SEED: Nearly 30 years ago, a group began a handbell choir for mentally challenged adults in their Brandon, Mississippi, community. The rewards on both sides were so positive, the bell choir evolved into a large-scale, Christ-centered ministry called The Bells of Faith. They were the musical arm of a community called the Mustard Seed whose name comes from Matthew 17:20: “…if you have faith even as small as a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘move from here to there,’ and it will move and nothing will be impossible to you.” The group now serves 41 “Seedsters” with music, social activities, and a strong  visual arts workshop. One of the primary goals of the Mustard Seed is to allow Seedsters to share their abilities rather than their disabilities. In the ceramic arts program, Seedsters paint one-of-a-kind dishes and figurines. The workshop allows clients to express themselves creatively while the sales of the ceramics benefit Mustard Seed community. Look for the Seedsters’ cards and ceramic works in local galleries and online to help fund the group’s art programs. For information visit www.mustardseedinc.org [6].


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This post originally appeared on our November/December 2010 Magazine [22]
