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Using Yoga to Benefit Individuals with ADHD

Using Yoga to Benefit Individuals with ADHD

Using Yoga to Benefit Individuals with ADHD

Sometimes a quick 5-minute break to reconnect with your mind, body, and environment can be incredibly effective for reestablishing focus and regulating activity levels, especially for those with ADHD [1]. Yoga can help accomplish this, and it is not only beneficial from a physical standpoint, but can also relax your systems, help you focus, and even reduce those endless loops of thoughts that run in your head.


In today’s busy world, it might be difficult to get to a yoga class. Additionally, your child might not be interested or able to actively participate in a structured yoga class environment. However, don’t worry! Below are just a few strategies and components of yoga that could be beneficial for an individual with ADHD.

Ask the ClinicianGuided Imagery

Visual Imagery

Controlled Breathing

Body Positions

Much of yoga is about making the mind-body connection. When we are more aware of what our bodies are doing, we are more likely to cause change in our behaviors. Have fun, but remember to have patience. Be prepared to assist your child with the process and provide reinforcement and support for cooperation and participation. Do the practices with them.. .you’ll both reap the benefits!



Read More Yoga [4]


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This post originally appeared on our January/February 2017 Magazine [18]
