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Relationship Rescue: Are there Alternatives to Prescription Medications?

Q: I have often been asked the question by couples in treatment who have special needs children: “Isn’t there something else I can do for my child besides having them take prescription medications?”

Advice: The answer that I give is, “yes there are many things that you can give to your child, as well as yourself, which are alternative treatments.


We found out about many alternative treatments by asking questions of medical professionals, including our psychiatrist who treats our children and is thankfully into alternative treatments. The nature of what I do for a living has given me the accessibility of purchasing 2 PDR’s that contain herbs and vitamins.

My children are on a supervised regimen of: Omega fish oil, Vitamin D, Magnesium, Gaba and melatonin for sleep. They also take a multivitamin along with Ester C and prescription medications. However, they are on very low doses due to the extras supplements that they are taking.

I have also had cranial sacral massage done when it has been needed. Any licensed massage therapist will know about this technique. It is a very relaxing experience for our children. It is only done on the head and neck region.

My philosophy has always been to utilize everything that is out there, especially if it is going to enhance the lives of our children.


Have a wonderful summer,
Robin Newman, LCSW

Robin Newman LCSW,PC, clinical social worker and adjunct professor at Adelphi’s Graduate School of Social Work. She also has a private practice. She is married with 2 special need children. Have a question about your relationship? Ask Robin. Send your questions to[email protected]



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