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Top 5 Life Success Attributes for Children with Learning Disabilities

Children with learning disabilities grow up to be adults with learning disabilities [1]. Nevertheless, some grow up to become productive members of society and end up with a rewarding profession, financial stability, and positive relationships with friends and family members, while some struggle more than others.

Results from a 20-year long study conducted by researchers at the Frostig Center in Pasadena, CA, identified certain personal characteristics, attitudes, and behaviors that were in common with successful outcomes for individuals with learning disabilities.


Below are the top five attributes that successful children with learning disabilities possess:

1. Demonstrating Self-Awareness

Children with learning disabilities who are aware of, and have knowledge about, their specific strengths and weaknesses are able to see how these areas impact their lives. They are better able to recognize their talents and also accept their own limitations. These individuals are conscious of their learning disabilities, yet learn how to compensate and focus on developing their strengths.


Parents and educators can build a child’s self-awareness by asking him/her to write down a list of his/her strengths and weaknesses. This may inspire and develop a passion for something. A person with math difficulties, but excellent skills in writing, may avoid jobs requiring number calculations, but find interest and success in journalism. An individual who possesses strong oral language, but has weaknesses in reading and writing may be better suited for a job in sales.

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Source: Verywellfamily [3]


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