- Parenting Special Needs Magazine - https://www.parentingspecialneeds.org -


Mealtime presents many opportunities for a variety of sensory and motor skills to be developed also! A lot of kiddos with special needs struggle with “picky eating” or “problem feeding” and have a limited diet consisting of a few types of food they are comfortable consuming. Although a common problem, it is also a complex one that requires a whole other article in order to properly discuss it. Instead, let’s chat about the many opportunities to help build skills during meal preparation and actual mealtime.

Preparing the meal can be just as fun as actually eating the food! A few ideas to get kids involved are:


Mealtime and eating involves a lot of fine motor and oral-motor skills that are not easy for everyone to perform gracefully! As your child learns and refines these skills, be supportive and patient. Spills and messy faces are going to happen. Show your child how to manage them in a loving manner. Scooping, cutting, spreading and passing food items can be a challenge to kids with special needs.

A few things can make these challenges easier:

Related: Dinner Time Chatter [2]

Keep in mind parents that sharing your thoughts and maybe your dessert at mealtime encourages your children to do the same… Just remember to have fun doing it!


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This post originally appeared on our January/February 2011 Magazine [9]
