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Life Coaches Spotlight: Emily Berman

Emily Berman is a Personal Empowerment Life Coach who guides others on their journeys of self-discovery and desires to live fulfilled lives. She is the mother of three, including one child with severe autism. She was trained through The Co-Active Training Institute, and is passionate about igniting transformation in others.


Tips for Finding Inner Peace & Joy:

One of the biggest lessons I have learned as a parent of a daughter with severe, non-speaking autism, is that I can’t change my situation, but I can shift my perspective on how I view it, in order to genuinely achieve happiness and joy in my life. 3 tips to finding inner peace:

1). Notice what is real and present in this exact moment.

Thoughts of the future and past in relation to your child with special needs can be extremely overwhelming. Coming back to the present and noticing what is real in this moment will alleviate anxiety and fear. Notice the breeze, the flowers, your breath or even the lamp in the room. Whatever it takes, bring your awareness back to this exact moment.

2). Absorb the love and repel the moments which cause anxiety and stress.

Using imagery to visualize deflecting stressful moments can be incredibly beneficial. One image that works well is to imagine the stress rolling off of you like beads of water on a freshly waxed windshield. Another image that can be helpful is to picture a protective shield around yourself made out of trampoline material. Allow the negative energy to literally bounce off of you without penetrating you. It is important to stay present with your child to help calm them or keep them safe, but if you can detach from their struggles, you will achieve more peace.

3). Move your body!

As much as I want to tell everyone to exercise every day, because we all know the benefits of exercise, I understand that it is not that easy for many. But everyone can move! If you feel stuck or stressed, literally get up and move. Get out of the chair and put on one of your favorite songs and just dance for a few minutes. Go for a walk if you can. Or even just moving to another location in your house can help you get unstuck from feeling down or stressed. Go outside, step away from your desk… wherever you are, if you are feeling stuck in stress, anxiety or sadness, you literally have the tool to get unstuck. Just get up and move!



Think of these actions as a necessity, like eating or brushing your teeth. You are not being indulgent by taking care of yourself. By prioritizing yourself, you are able to show up more fully for your family.

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This post originally appeared on our March/April 2022 Magazine [14]
