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Joe & Michelle Duffey

Joe and Michelle Duffey

[1]Two years ago Joe and Michelle Duffey started and recruited athletes for the Indian River Special Olympics Soccer Team.  While Joe is head Coach, Michelle is team manager, recruiter, organizer and cheerleader. Michelle also pitched in as Coach the first year to get the team started. Joe’s job took him on the road and he was unable to Coach, so he assisted from afar via phone. Michelle did an awesome job as she managed to get the team going, that first year. Especially when you consider her job and family obligations left her with no sleep or time. Yet, she still managed to show up to every practice with her car loaded with all the soccer gear ready to get the soccer team playing.

In May of this year (second year) under Coach Joe’s supervision and direction the team went to Special Olympics State Games in Orlando, Florida. They played their hearts out and received BRONZE medals.


This “Duffey Duo” have worked tirelessly to make it possible for young athletes with special needs to play soccer. They have given of their time, personal commitment, so that children with special needs can learn skills, accomplish goals, gain confidence, make friends and be a part of a “TEAM”.

They do all of this and their  “special needs daughter” does not even like to play soccer.  They are truly  “Everyday Heroes”.


Thank you Joe & Michelle Duffey for making a difference and making the world a better place!



Read More Everyday Heroes [2]



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