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Check It Out! Products You Can Use! Confetti Park CD, Reliable, Withings’ Thermo, & A Crash Course in People Skills

Check It Out! Products You Can Use! Confetti Park CD, Reliable, Withings' Thermo, & A Crash Course in People Skills

Confetti Park CD [1]

Confetti Park CD


We’re Going to Confetti Park! Is the first musical release from New Orleans-based children’s media workshop Confetti Park which also has a weekly radio program and podcast. There are 21 tracks that feature world-class New Orleans musicians collaborating with kids on Louisiana-inspired songs. Confetti Park, WINS A 2016 Parents’ Choice Approved Award. Parents’ Choice Approved Seals are given on the basis of the production, entertainment, and human values they exemplify

www.confettipark.com [2]

www.amazon.com [3]


withings-thermo [4]

Reliable, hygienic & one – touch

A light touch on the temple is all it takes: Thermo delivers color-coded temperature feedback that is relevant to the user’s age profile in order to help you easily understand the reading. So, when is a thermometer worth more than $10-$20? When it is as cool as the Withings’ Thermo with HotSpot Sensor. Consider the advances included: 4000 measurements in 2 seconds, 16 infrared sensors, syncs with Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, temperature diary, easy to understand, CES Award Winner and the most sanitary way to take temperature to name a few. You can easily share the Thermo diary with your doctor at any time with one click. Traditional thermometers have always made you choose between comfort and accuracy, and don’t help you monitor the health of the whole family. Thermo is a game changer.

www.withings.com [5]


A Crash Course in People Skills [6]

A Crash Course in People Skills


This easy to read book is sure to help teens/adults of all abilities learn much needed people skills. It seems these days everyone is looking down at some sort of device. Poor eye contact and weak people skills plague many teens and most teenagers have a lot to learn before they can stand out at or even land a job. When a teen exhibits excellent people skills, it’s like a ray of sunshine. The multiple award winning book, Smile & Succeed for Teens by Kirt Manecke, provides teens with a quick, easy, and fun way to improve their skills.lt is even endorsed by Temple Grandin!.

www.smilethebook.com [7]



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This post originally appeared on our May/June 2016 Magazine [14]
