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Celebrate Earth Day Everyday

Participate in a Wildlife Watch

Celebrate Earth Day Everyday


Celebrate Earth Day (April 22) this year by visiting a local park with your kids and exploring the nature in your world. Everyone can participate in a Wildlife Watch! Wildlife Watch is a National, Nature Watching program created for people of all ages. Observe the plants and wildlife where you live!

Before heading outdoors for your adventure, visit Wildlife Watch [1]. They provide a state specific wildlife watch checklist of all the wildlife in your own backyard or local park.

It’s simple, fun and you’ll learn a lot about the wildlife that exists in your neighborhood.  If you are not sure where to go, use the National Wildlife Federation’s NatureFind [1] tool to find parks, or trails near you.

Plan a Nature Scavenger Hunt!


A scavenger hunt is an easy activity that doesn’t require a lot of planning. Put together a simple list of items you find in nature outside your front door; plants, leaves, bugs, rocks, flowers or other natural things found outside in your yard. Using a camera, iPod w/camera, or smartphone and head outside. When your child finds the items on the list, they can snap a photo and then check it off of the list. This activity is a great way for your child to practice following simple directions while they learn and explore their surroundings in a fun way.

We found a great Nature Scavenger Hunt for Kids {FREE Printable} [2] from How to Nest for Less.Com

Photo credit: Whistling Ducks, photographed by John Rowe with


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