- Parenting Special Needs Magazine - https://www.parentingspecialneeds.org -

Spring is in the Air

Spring is in the air, and I love spring.As I sit here to write to you today,I can’t help but think of the time of year we are in. While it is still cold up North,it is, nonetheless, heading towards Spring. I like to think of Spring as Nature’s way of planning for the year ahead…..looking forward to the “growing and renewal” time of year. And so it is with us, the parents of people living with special needs, we look to the “renewal” time of the year and try to plan out our course. In this issue we find out about some very special camps [1] for those with special needs….where they are, what they are about, who they cater to, and the experience they offer. We also have in this issue, speaking of growth, an article on Puberty [2] and ways to deal with it, lessons to learn, advice from other parents, and general help on a very delicate topic.
Also, since April is Autism Awareness month [3], we though we would show you an original art piece from DJ [4] and let you know that you can bid on this original work to benefit Autism. In addition, in this issue we have a Progress Report/Reality [5] Check that you can print out and take with you to your next meeting. All in the name of renewal……doing something new and also getting the opportunity to do it better.

Many of you have asked us about donations; how you can help PSN reach its maximum audience and at the same time, contribute to a very worthwhile cause. We, of course, would be more than willing to accept your generous assistance. After all, it is something that needs to be sustained. We are always humbled when someone else “gets it” with regard to what we are trying to accomplish. So, thank you, thank you, thank you.


A big thank you to photographer Erika Masterson for our Cover Image.

Visit online at http://www.erikamasterson.com/ [6]




Articles Mentioned

Seven Ways to Help Special Needs Parents During Autism Awareness Month [3]

Progress Report/Reality Check [5]

Puberty! [2]

Summer Camps [1]

DJ Successful Artist with Autism [4]
