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Did You Know? Special Needs Summer Camp – Who is Teaching Whom?

Did You Know? Special Needs Summer Camp - Who is Teaching Whom?

Special Needs Summer Camp – Who is Teaching Whom?

Ten years ago Jack Viorel, moved his family to Wilmington, North Carolina, and opened a surf school as a means to reach children and open their minds.


The new inclusive camp is the first on a summer-long schedule of charity outreach surf camps that will serve, at no cost to the campers. Visually impaired, autistic, and hearing impaired individuals, as well as boys and girls club members, wounded soldiers, cancer survivors, and participants with developmental and intellectual challenges.

For event information visit www.Indojaxsurfcharities.org [1].

(source: www.indojaxsurfcharities.org [1])



Peer mentors can help children with autism learn social graces.

[3]James and William are part of the Belleville District 118 program that pairs students in regular education with students on the autism spectrum. Their mentors coach the students with autism in social skills. Students who are interested in becoming peer mentors begin by hanging out with the students who have autism a day or two each week at lunch. From there, they are paired for the next year, after the mentor undergoes training over the summer.

(source: www.bnd.com/news/local/education [4])




Special Needs Resource App

[6]The Harvey & Ellen Weisenberg Special Needs Resource App is a groundbreaking, multifaceted resource that caregivers and families of our special people can turn to in a multitude of ways. The App includes information about the rights of our citizens with special needs as well as about educational programs, agencies, organizations and other resources that serve people with special needs. Families may find comfort in the first personal videotaped stories of others of like experience.

(source: www.specialneedsapp.org [7])




This post originally appeared on our May/June 2016 Magazine [9]
