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Can Food Make Us Sick?

Food can make you feel bad. Each of us are a unique being, no one else is just like us. Some of us suffer from diseases that require certain foods to be eliminated or reduced from our diet. There are also other reasons why one must change their food intake. It could be a disease such as Diabetes or Celiac Disease, or it could be an allergy or intolerance to a certain protein, enzyme, or ingredient that appears in a food or food product.

In 2004, Congress passed a law to protect shoppers because there was such an outbreak of people with allergies; many with anaphylactic reactions to certain foods. This law is called The Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act (FALCPA). It went into effect January 2006. For more information: http://www.fda.gov/ [1]


This law states that if a food product contains any of the top 8 allergens, the ingredient must be posted on the label. It is posted either as a warning (contains…) or on the ingredient list on the package. Ninety percent of reactions to allergens have to do with these ingredients: milk, wheat, soy, eggs, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, and peanuts. People are allergic to many other foods as well, but these are just the top 8 that have been identified.

When eating some foods, individuals may not experience an allergic reaction (hives, swelling, itching, cramping, bloating, asthma reaction/breathing difficulties, tingling, vomiting or diarrhea, etc.), but they may have other reactions such as: a change in behavior or sleep patterns, red ears, hyperactivity, tics or head banging, headaches, learning difficulties or even seizures.

For a detailed overview read: The Feingold Diet: https://feingold.org/ [2]

Some behavioral reactions can occur from eating certain foods such as: apples, apple juice, grapes/raisins, tomatoes and tomato based foods, peppers, citrus, chocolate, nuts, bananas, berries, apricots, cherries, coffee, spices, cucumbers/pickles, currants, nectarines, etc…

It is best to remove all of the possible offending foods listed above and on this web site: https://feingold.org/ [2]. Then, one at a time, for a full week, add one food item in (single ingredient only!), and look for reactions. Keep a journal notating any changes in appearance, behaviors, or ill effects. If no changes occur, you can keep that food in the diet and add another and observe. If you see reactions or ill effects immediately remove the food item and log it in your journal. Tell others who are around your child often (teacher, relative, baby sitter, etc.) to be aware of what you are doing. Make sure they do not disrupt your plan. Ask them if they notice any changes, as well.

Food Cart [3]
A huge list of additives also causes some of the same reactions. Preservatives, labeled as BHT, TBHQ and BHA are notorious for causing many ill effects! Other additives that should be avoided for good health are artificial colors and artificial flavorings, nitrites/nitrates, aspartame, and anything that you cannot pronounce!

Healthy food exists, you just need to know WHERE to shop and eat and HOW to shop and eat. One of the best grocery chains, which are quickly spreading all across the USA, is Trader Joe’s [4]. The food they sell has real ingredients and no chemicals. Sadly, once in a while, one will see some candy with artificial ingredients so be VERY careful to still read labels. Their chicken has one ingredient: CHICKEN. Their corn has one ingredient: CORN. They have an abundance of organic foods and the prices are extremely affordable! Currently, they are in 37 states (Vermont opens May 16th -for 38!!) with 415 stores in the USA and growing!  Compare the labels and the prices you are paying. Also compare the percentages in protein, fiber, sodium, etc. You will be amazed!

There are other great stores out there, too, but be very careful to read labels…the entire label, ingredients and the percentage chart to see what foods are going into your body.


Related: Where to Purchase Gluten Free Casein Free (GFCF) Foods and Some Favorite Brands [5]

It almost seems that I do not need to mention this, but sadly fast food thrives in America. Don’t we all know how horrific the food is in these places? Yet consumers continue to eat this so-called food.

Food should taste fresh and full of flavor. If you doubt this, go to a store or farmer’s market that sells organic produce. Buy one apple, one orange, one banana or some organic vegetables and taste the difference! This is what real food should taste like…and look like.

Many people will, no doubt, mention cost. Sometimes it’s the difference of less than a dollar to upgrade to organic. Would you rather put your money into food or doctor/hospital bills and medications? People tend to not look down the road to the future. Preventative health is imperative for a great, healthy, fulfilling life. One full of energy, happiness and many years of enjoying your loved ones. Not to mention all of the amazing events that await you in years to come! [6]

Barrie Silberberg is the author of The Autism & ADHD Diet: A Step-by-Step Guide To Hope and Healing by Living Gluten Free and Casein Free (GFCF) And Others Interventions [7]. Her web site is:  www.puttingyourkidsfirst.com [8]


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This post originally appeared on our May/June 2014 Magazine [21]
