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Making Sure Your Child’s Shoes Make the Grade {Tip 8 of 31}

 Doctors say that choosing the proper shoes is key to your child’s health 
 Selecting the right shoes.1 [1]
 How to make sure your child’s shoes make the grade this year

While most back-to-school purchases can be based on your child’s taste and personal style, one crucial item could affect their health if not carefully selected. Doctors say that choosing the proper shoes is key to your child’s health since the health of the foot affects overall health.

Dr. Lori Grant, a foot and ankle surgeon at Orlando Health says that answering these 4 questions will determine if your child’s shoes make the grade.


1. Are they the right size?

School-aged children’s feet typically grow at least one size per year until their mid-teens. Because different shoe brands use different sizing guidelines, measuring before each shoe purchase is a good rule to follow during this high-growth period.

2. Are they comfortable?

Shoes that don’t fit properly will aggravate the foot. Listen to what your child says as they are testing them in the store. Most people have one foot that is larger than the other. Make sure the shoe is comfortable on the larger foot.

3. Are they appropriate for your child’s lifestyle?


When selecting shoes take into account your child’s age, activity level and overall lifestyle. For children with flat feet parents can look into good over the counter arch supports or have custom orthotics/inserts made specifically for them. These can be switched out from shoe to shoe. Look for a “stability” shoe which provides extra support for people with flat feet. Look for a visible hump/bump where the arch of the foot should be it means the shoe has a good arch support. Remember, girls and boys should wear shoes made specific to their gender. The structures of their feet are similar but different, and shoes are made to fit them differently. The best type of shoe for good arch support is an athletic style shoe.

4. Does your child like them?

After the shoes meet the technical criteria ask your child if they like them. If a child is forced to choose a shoe that they don’t like, they may opt to wear old, ill-fitting shoes instead.

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